:template: frontpage.html :title: Yet another academic ... =================================== Welcome to Martin Elff's website! =================================== .. grid:: 1 2 2 3 :class-container: container :gutter: 1 1 2 3 .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-one sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 About Me ^^^^^^^^ .. image:: Martin-round.png :align: left :width: 150px My name is Martin Elff, I am a political scientist with research interests in political behaviour, political sociology, comparative politics, and the methodology of political and social sciences. Besides teaching, research, academic governance, I also wrote some software, mostly in *R*. Since 2015 I am a `professor of political sociology at Zeppelin University `__ (Friedrichshafen, Germany). You can also find me here: - `@melff.bsky.social `__ - `@martin_elff@science.social `__ - `@elff@fosstodon.org `__ - Twitter: `@martin\_elff `__ - Github: http://github.com/melff - ORCID: |ORCID ID icon| `0000-0001-9032-9739 `__ - Web of Science: `J-1604-2019 `__ :doc:`Read more ... ` .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-two sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 Selected publications ^^^^^^^^ .. bibsource:: ./publications.bib .. bibliography:: :keys: elff.et.al:multilevel.improving, :link-details: .. image:: DataManagement_in_R.png :width: 150px :target: book/data-management-r :align: right .. bibliography:: :keys: elff:data.management, elff.ziaja:democracy.indicators, elff:dynamic.model.coded.texts, elff:divisions.positions.voting, :by-year: :reverse: :link-details: :doc:`Read more ... ` .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-three sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 Selected working papers ^^^^^^^^ .. bibsource:: ./papers.bib .. bibliography:: :keys: elff:valence.position.both, dassonneville.elff.marcinkiewicz:transformation.religious, rajski.elff:context.pid, elff:much.ado, elff:finite.mixtures.tactical.voting, elff:testing.constant.probability, :by-year: :reverse: :link-details: :doc:`Read more ... ` .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-four sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 Software ^^^^^^^^ There are a few software packages I wrote for helping me in my research, creating this website, or which I just wrote for fun and out of curiosity (however I have only little time for this). On this website you find information about the following *R* packages in particular: - `R package "memisc": Tools for Managing Survey Data and Creating Tables of Estimates and Data Summaries `__ - `R package "mclogit": Multinomial Logit Models, with or without Random Effects or Overdispersion `__ - `R package "munfold": Multidimensional Metric Unfolding `__ - `R package "RKernel": Yet another R Kernel for Jupyter `__ - :doc:`software/mpred` - :doc:`software/manifestos` - :doc:`software/iimm` - :doc:`software/EMfit` :doc:`Read more ... ` .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-five sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 Research interests ^^^^^^^^ My are research interests in the following areas: - Political behaviour, in particular electoral behaviour and its relation with social structure. More specifically: - class voting - religious voting - long term change - the influence of parties' (changing) positions - with a focus on Germany - with a focus on (Western) Europe - Reconstructing the political positions of parties - Quantitative methods of the social sciences - Multilevel modelling - Modelling of qualitative/categorical dependent variables - Cross-level inference .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-six sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 Teaching subjects ^^^^^^^^ Throughout my career I :doc:`taught a couple of subjects `, including - Political sociology and political behaviour - Introduction to political sociology - Attitude formation and public opinion - Electoral behaviour - Comparative politics - German politics - West European politics - Parties and party systems - Socials science research methods - Research design and methods (at various levels) - Data analysis (at various levels) - Data analysis and graphics with *R* - Mathematical tools for social scientists :doc:`Read more ... ` .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-one sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 Recent posts ^^^^^^^^ .. postlist:: 6 :date: %d %B %Y :doc:`Read more ... ` .. grid-item-card:: :class-header: bg-two sd-text-center sd-font-weight-bold :class-footer: bg-f2 About this website ^^^^^^^^ This site is built with `Sphinx`_, a generator for documentation and static websites, using a heavily modified variant of the `insipid theme`_. The website builds on flat files in `restructured text`_ format and in some instances on `Jupyter`_ notebooks. Because it is built with Sphinx, there is a bit of `Python`_ programming involved in this website. In particular I wrote a few Python modules that extend Sphinx for the purposes of this website, e.g. - attaching files to webpages - creating bibliographies and linking publication details from `BibTeX files`_ - improving the navigation of the site - providing an infrastructer for blog posts (with much inspiration from `ABlog`_) .. toctree:: :hidden: blog about publications papers data software teaching .. |ORCID ID icon| image:: https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png .. |R| replace:: *R* .. _R: http://www.r-project.org .. _Sphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/ .. _Python: https://www.python.org/ .. _Jupyter: https://jupyter.org/ .. _LaTeX: https://www.latex-project.org/ .. _TeX: https://www.tug.org/whatis.html .. _insipid theme: https://insipid-sphinx-theme.readthedocs.io/ .. _dvisvgm: https://dvisvgm.de/ .. _BibTeX files: http://www.bibtex.org/Format/ .. _restructured text: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html .. _ABlog: https://ablog.readthedocs.io/